Learn English From Short Stories (Joe Dixon and His Writing Stick)
Learn English From Short Stories (Joe Dixon and His Writing Stick)
It took the civil war and 50 years of
struggle by a determined man to show the American people that the pencil was
here to stay.
In the early part of the 19th century,
few Americans wrote with pencils. The only pencils available came from Europe
and were not of good quality. They cost 25 cents each – at a time when that
amount of money would buy a basketful of food.
The first American who saw the need for
a good, inexpensive pencil was a 13-year-old boy in Marblehead.
Massachusetts – Joe Dixon. His search for a way to fill this need occupied a
great deal of his time and his thinking in the years that followed. Before he
succeeded, he became an inventor of considerable importance.
Joe Dixon’s interest in pencils began
with graphite – the soft, black substance used in making the “lead” for
pencils. U.S. sailing ships trading in the Far East needed ballast on their
return trips. Graphite, mined in Ceylon, made good ballast because it was
heavy, easy to handle and cheap. Joe’s father was a ship-owner, and when his
vessels returned to Marblehead they poured the graphite into the water of the
Although Joe had never seen a pencil,
his friend Francis Peabody told him how the lead was made – with graphite and clay.
Mr. Peabody also described the shape of the two narrow strips of wood which,
when stuck together, held the lead in place.
With the aid of another friend,
Ebenezer Martin, Joe shaped two pieces of rounded cedar wood, each
with a groove down the middle of the flat inside surface. Then he
mixed graphite dust with clay and added water. Rolling a strip of this mixture
into the form of a pencil lead, he baked it in an oven.
His First Pencil
When the lead was hard, he put it in
the groove of one of the cedar sticks, applied glue to the inside
surface of both sticks and pressed them together. After the glue had dried, Joe
sharpened one end of his writing stick and tried it. It wrote! Not perfectly,
of course, but perhaps it was no worse than some of the pencils in use at that
Since Joe had no money to continue
experimenting, he took a job at a kiln where he could earn a living
and also learn about baking various materials. Later he moved on to other jobs,
working in a Boston print shop for a while and then at the Hall Dye Works in
Lynn, Massachusetts. At the dye works Joe built a machine to print designs on
Dixon was 23 when he married Hannah
Martin, the daughter of his old friend Ebenezer. Their small cottage served
both as a home and a workshop.
There he designed and built three
machines for making pencils. One pressed the graphite-and-clay mixture through
a tube that was the thickness of a pencil lead. Another cut narrow
sear sticks into the proper lengths. The third put a groove in half a dozen
sticks at one time. Hopefully he began to manufacture pencils.
The business was not an immediate
success, but he learned to make better and better pencils as he gained
experience. He continued with his experiments, buying raw materials in
large quantities and soon found himself dangerously short of money. Then he had
a change of fortune.
A Happy Accident
One day he bought a stove for
his wife. It was one of the first iron stoves ever made in New England. In a
week or two it became rusty, and Hannah was not able to keep it black and
With his mind on pencils, Joe paid
little attention to the stove. But one day powdered graphite fell on the floor
by accident. When he tried to clean it up, he slipped on the greasy stuff
and fell on his face. His wife laughed and remarked that one side of his face
was black and shiny.
“Stove Polish!” he quickly
He and Hannah polished the stove with
graphite. It shone beautifully. Hannah’s friends all wanted the polish, and the
young couple worked nights to package the new product. The demand
grew so great that they had to hire people to help.
Soon Dixon’s Stove polish appeared in
store all along the East coast. The money from its sales gave new life to his
pencil business, and he opened a small factory at Salem, Massachusetts. By 1830
he could after pencils for ten cents each, but still there was little demand
for them.
Other Discoveries
Although his pencil business made no
progress, his tireless efforts led to discoveries which proved valuable in later
years. Though experimentation he and Isaac Babbitt produced a metal which would
not wear away under continuous friction.
By combining the knowledge gained from
the jobs he had held, he developed a new printing process. The use of this
process later built a great industry, but at first only counterfeiters realized
its value.
When Dixon learned that counterfeiters
were using his process to make banknotes, he dealt with the situation in an
unusual way. One day he walked into a bank in New York City, placed a $100 bill
on the president’s desk and asked him to exchange it for ten $10 bills. “First
you should make sure that it’s not a counterfeit bill,” Dixon warned the banker.
The president examined it carefully and
passed it to the cashier, saying, “It’s as good as gold,” Then Dixon took off
his hat – and dozens of $100 bills dropped out. “Take as many of these as you
want,” he said to the banker. “I can make more at home,”
Then, taking another homemade bill from
his pocket, he explained and idea he had for printing banknotes which
counterfeiters would find difficult to copy. This was a method of printing with
colored inks. “It’s a secret process in invented,” he said.
The president at the bank offered him a
large sum of money for the invention. Instead, Dixon gave it without charge to
all banks that issued paper money at that time.
Dixon’s expenses were now mounting, and
losses from his pencil business were greater than the profits from stove
polish. He decided to find a growing young industry and improve its products or
its manufacturing processes. On a trip he learned that brass mills
needed something better than the pots they had of melting metals.
These pots often fell apart when heated to high temperatures.
In his workshop he mixed more graphite
and clay, worked the mixture into the shape of a pot and baked it in a kiln.
Then he filled the pot with big pieces of zine and copper and
heated them to the melting point. The 1980-degree heat reduced the metals to
brass – but his pot did not break. He increased the heat to 2780 degrees, and
the pot still remained unbroken.
When the United States was fighting a
small war in Dixon’s graphite crucible was used in iron and steel
mills. Orders for pots became more and more numerous.
To increase production, he built a
factory in Jersey City, New Jersey. The crucible department was located at one
end of the plant, and the stove polish and pencil departments at the other end.
After Dixon had been in the new plant
for a year, he studied the results of his efforts. He found he had made
$60,000on crucible but he had lost $5000 on pencils.
In 1849, Eberhard maker, established a
company in New York. At about the same time the Eagle Pencil Company was
formed. But Business was slow for the two new companies and for Dixon. The lead
pencil had not yet become popular.
It finally won popularity during the
Civil War, when the need for a dry, clean writing instrument became widespread.
Soldiers wanted to write letters home, but they couldn’t easily carry pens and
ink. Pencils were the answer!
Shortly afterwards, Joe Dixon invented
a machine which shaped enough wood for 132 pencils per minute. Still it was
almost impossible to fill the demand. By 1872 Dixon pencils were flowing from
his factory at the rate of 86,000 each day. The five-cent writing stick was at
last a reality. Joe Dixon died in 1869 at the age of 70. The company he started
is today one of the largest manufactures of lead pencils in the world. The firm
still bears his name, though none of the Dixon family owns any part of the
About a billion and a half lead pencils
are sold each year in the United States. The writing stick which Dixon
struggled to produce is the most widely used of all our small gadgets today.
Inexpensive, low in price; not costly
Inventor, a person who invents things.
To invent is to think of and develop something new - a process, a design,
a machine.
Graphite, substance used in making
“lead” for pencils
Ballast, heavy material placed in a
ship to keep it steady when it has no goods to carry
Clay, a soft, sticky kind of earth
which becomes hard when baked
Cedar, a kind of tree
Groove, a long, narrow, hollow cut in
the surface.
Glue, a substance used for sticking
things together
Kiln, a large oven or closed fireplace
used for baking, burning or drying
Dye works, a place where colors are
applied to cloth
Cottage, a very small house
Tube, a long, hollow pipe
Raw materials, materials still in their
natural or original state, before processing or manufacture
Stove, something sued for cooking and
Rusty, discolored by rust. Rust is a
reddish coating which forms on iron, especially in wet weather.
Greasy, oily or slippery
Polish, a substance used to make a
surface smooth and bright
Package, put in containers
Friction, the rubbing of one thing
against another
Counterfeiters, persons who make
counterfeit (false) money
Banknotes, paper money
Cashier, a person who receives and pays
out money in a bank or business office
Brass, a yellow metal
Pots, large vessels or containers with
covers on them
Zinc and copper, metals used in making
Crucible, a pot for melting metals at
high temperature.
Instrument, an object used for
performing a task
Gadget, any small, useful object
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