أقسام هامة

No wrong numbers لا توجد أرقام خطأ

No wrong numbers لا توجد أرقام خطأ

New concept English, Book 2, lesson 5: No Wrong numbers
Listen and then answer the question (in a comment)
What does "No wrong numbers" mean?

((We recommend to listen first and then check your listening according to the text below the video))

The text



Key structure

What happened (past simple)
What has happened (present perfect)

Special difficulties

Words often confused or misused
In the way فى الطريق (فى وسط الطريق)
Please move this chair. It is in the way.
Do you work in the way I have shown you?
On the way فى الطريق (فى طريق الذهاب إلى مكان)
On the way to the station, I have bought some chocolate.
In this way بهذه الطريق (يقوم بعمل شئ بطريقة معينة)
He saves old envelopes. In this way, he has collected a great many stamps.
By the way بالمناسبة (الشئ بالشئ يذكر)
By the way, have you seen Harry recently?
In a way بالمناسبة
In a way, it is an important book.


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